Sara Jones

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Recent activity by Sara Jones Recent activity Votes
  • What are the hours for Indiana Comic Convention? Indiana Comic Convention 2025 is March 14-16, 2025, at The Indiana Convention Center Email Support        ...


    DIVERSITY AT INDIANA COMIC CONVENTION INDIANA COMIC CONVENTION is built upon mutual respect, and we are committed to creating a diverse and inclusive community. This means fostering a culture th...

  • Celebrity Guest Disclaimer

    DISCLAIMER:All guests that we announce have committed to attending the show. As is standard practice at comic conventions and fan events around the country, they have the right to cancel if circums...


    INDIANA COMIC CONVENTION UNIVERSAL ZERO-TOLERANCE HARASSMENT POLICY Indiana Comic Convention is dedicated to providing a harassment-free convention experience for everyone, regardless of gender, ge...

  • Can I bring a Wooden Sword to the event?

      To bring it onto the Convention floor, you'll need to come up with some way of keeping it secured, via a zip-tie or such, to your person. A scabbard is the best way, but if you don't have a forma...

  • Can I bring a BAT to the event?

      Unfortunately, our rules for bats may be the most prohibitive of all our rules. We do NOT allow wood or aluminum bats into our event. All bats must be made from other materials. Materials such as...

  • Is there a Cosplay size restriction?

      There are no size restrictions for costumes, but please understand that the event will be crowded, and at times difficult for a large costume to maneuver. Indiana...

  • Can I bring a REAL Bow to the Event?

      A real bow can be used as long as it is unstrung or loosely strung so that no projectile could be fired.  The problem with real bows is that if it is a compound bow, it cannot easily be unstrung ...

  • My Lightsaber has a little metal on it, is it allowed at the show?

      Yes, until the REAL thing exists, lightsabers are totally welcome at the Convention. Indiana Comic Convention 2025 is March 14-16, 2025, at The Indiana Convention C...

  • Cosplay Policy-What can I wear?

      Cosplay Policy  Indiana Comic Convention is a family-friendly convention. Please use common sense, be considerate of other attendees and be aware of your surroundings. Cover your body parts. ...